Friday, October 29, 2010

Bicentennial man blog

I think the law of robotics is important. Its important because if you had a robot you wouldn't want it to go against your orders because it could easily go against you or try to harm you.If you have a robot it should protect you so that you aren't in any harm also. I agree that the rules are good , the robot must obey all orders , the robot must protect itself from any harm , and robots must not harm any humans. I don't really think its complete though. I think those three laws are complete.I agree with the statement that Kurzweil said. I think once machines become that advanced to where they are just as smart as humans or even smarter then we will start to know that AI is real. If a machine was so smart to where i felt like i was seeing them as a human just like me then i think i would start to believe in AI.
I think this was a good enough standard because what he was basically saying was that once machines inherit human like qualities in them then that's how we know AI had been achieved and i believe it.
I think AI will happen , after a while i feel like the world will come up with some machine thats so advance that it would be able to communicate with humans and live like us and have our qualities but it would just be artificial. i believe that AI will happen sometime in the future.
when it comes to humans and robots getting married Im kind of in the middle. i agree and disagree that they should be able to get married. I feel like a human couldn't have kinds with that robot there's things they cannot do . i don't think it should be against the law to marry someone. If the robot is capable of having emotions and the robot and human both love each other then they should be able to marry each other because regaurdless they will be together anyway. i don't think it should be against the law. It's kind of weird because it would be different because you don't normally hear of a human marrying a robot. but i don't feel like its wrong , i think people have the right to do whatever because its a free country. I think AI could turn into a bad thing. It could cause people to loose jobs because someone created some technology so the company doesn't need human workers anymore. people could loose money because they don't have those jobs anymore. also if AI was to turn bad robots or machines can take over this earth and basically run the cities/towns country etc. it would be all bad for us because we have no control over anything because machines have become smarter then us humans or just as smart that would be the worst case scenario in my opinion.  however it could be a good thing for us because we could use those machines to do our work for us , they could help us around the house with chores , cleaning etc. everything we need help with at home and outside of home. that would be the best case scenario in my opinion .I liked the Bicentennial man movie it was funny at times and wasn't really boring at all. somethings weren't so realistic like when Andrew and Porsha get together and wanted to get married just because you don't usually see that now a days. It brought up some issues about how nobody would accept a robot and a human being in love, according to society. It got me thinking about what it means to be human and all the qualities we have like sense of humor , emotions , and making mistakes ; not being perfect. and all of the things humans feel and do compared to machines or robots , things that are immortal. i also thought about how Andrew would be only one alive after all his friends died. And i came to realize even thought nobody really wants to die , at some point humans pass away and die. your not alive forever and i realized i would rather pass away someday when i'm very old then be alive forever because at some point in my life i would be done with life and i've done everything i need and pass away because life isn't so "special" if it will never end.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Class blog #2 ; Flatline

1. Summarize the plot of flatline .
The plot of flatline is that two people were trying to steal the AI . artifical intelligence. 

2. What is AI's role?
the role of AI is to work and talk just like a human being. but the thoughts and they way it speaks it fake or artificial and programmed to say certain things and act a certain way.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Class blog 1: AI

1. Moores Law: what do you think about Moores Law ?
I think moores law is right. because every few years technolongy changes. and after a while things will be more advanced . In the future things wont be the same. I believe computers will become alot faster as the years go by. someone will come up with something to make technology advance in some way,

2. Turing test: How does the truing test compare with the bot chat?
The turing test was meant to test AI . artificial intelligence. The bot chat was an AI . on the computer that talked to me just like another human being. but its intelligence wasnt like a human or on the same level. the things the bot said weren't exactly what you would hear humans say.
3. AI applications today: What do you predict with AI applications today?
i predict that AI applications will change over time. I think someone will make one so advance that it could communicate with humans better and do and feel things just like a human being .Years from now i think it will all change.