Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hackers questions

                                                                                                              Leah Yared

Question 1: Why might the makers of the movie hackers pretend their site was hacked?  What evidence do they provide to show this is not true?
They might want to pretend their website is hacked so that people wouldn’t think that they did it themselves. The evidence they had was letters from the real hackers that were sent to them a few days before their site got claimed.

Now click on the link “Visit the hacked site”

Question 2: What are three changes the hacker made compared to the original?
 The hacker colored all over their faces on the website. The hacker put up the defcon sign and said it was put up by defcon. The hacker put up pictures and wrote things that were defending all hackers and saying Rafael Moreau must die. (The writer of the hacker’s movie)

Question 3: Did the hacker like the movie “Hackers”? Why or why not?
No, I don’t think the hacker liked the movie at all. The hacker was talking bad about the movie and the way it was written, the hacker thought it had no plot and was written by “idiots”

Question 4: What is DefCon?
DefCon is a hacker’s conference. All hackers get together and talk about hacking.

Question 5: Look at the handout “Part One, The Basics, name three rules of “ethical hackers” he violated.
The hacker violated rule one, two and three because he altered the system flies, he changed a lot of things no on the site. He damaged the system and posted his real name and handle on the site and posted pictures of him and friends.

Now back up and click the link: “Hacker Announces Hacked Site”

Question 6: What are two reasons the hacker gives for hacking the site?  Can you think of another possibility?
The hacker hacked the site because they were mad that MGM didn’t go with the title they wanted for “ hackers” they wanted to name it ‘praetorians’ and changed the plot and had the hacker was not happy with how the movie was made. I think they hacked the page because they were just mad their ideas weren’t used for the movie and they felt like the movie was nothing like it really is.

Now back up and go to the link “Apology Letter”

Question 7: The hacker apologizes for the hack.  What does he say were his true reasons for the hack?
The hacker says the reasons for him hacking the site were because he got carried away. And didn’t mean any harm. And it was just a joke.

Question 8: Did he have help or work alone?
 He worked alone.

Question 9: How does he try to make up for his hack?
 He tells the readers that he will not do it again and offered to tell where all the files are in the system.

Question 10: Is the tone of the letter what one would expect from a hacker?  How does it compare to the other language he uses?
No, the letter does not seem like the hacker because in the letter he seemed very sorry and guilty for what he has done but in his hack he was saying all kinds of bad language and talking like he didn’t care what he was doing.

Question 11: What does he say real hackers are?
He said real hackers don’t really sound like this.

Question 12: How does he show he is the real hacker?
 He tries to show he’s the real hacker by telling where the files were.

Question 13: What does he fear might happen to him as a result of his hack?
 He fears that he will go to jail, because of something that was meant as a prank.

Finally back up and click the link “Hackers vs. Crackers”

Question 14: According to this link what is a Hacker?
A hacker is someone who wants to learn more. They hack into system just for the challenge not to cause any harm. They are knowledgeable people.

Question 15: What is a Cracker?  How is this different than a Hacker?
 A cracker is basically a hacker but has a bad intention for hacking they are malicious people. But a hacker is someone who doesn’t mean any harm and they just hack for curiosity.

Question 16: According to this page, what sort of person is a typical Cracker?
 A typical hacker is a young teenage “punk “that’s very malicious and just wants to destroy peoples system.

Question 17: What is a hacker, according to this page?
 According to the page a hacker is not interested in destroying anything they just want to learn more and explore the computer.

Question 18: What sorts of things can a hacker do to a site?
A hacker knows several programming languages, understand all the protocols and know all the security related issues.

Question 19: What sorts of things are against “Hacker Ethics”?
 Destroying systems and breaking into systems for bad.

Question 20: Why do they do it, according to this page?
 Hackers just do it because they enjoy exploring the computer and just learning more. They don’t mean harm.

Question 21: Who is the author?  Is he a “Gray hat” or “Black Hat” hacker?
 The author is CandyMan. I think the author is a gray hat because he’s not doing any harm on the site.

Question 22: The links to “Other Hacker Sites” such as Phrack Magazine, and 2600 are blocked.  Why are the blocked?
They are blocked because they are probably hacked sites. If you click on it then your computer will probably be hacked.

Question 23: Are any of the hacking activities described on this page legal?
 No I don’t think so.

Question 24: What potential harm can be caused to a company by a hacker altering their web page?
It can mess up any data they had put on their or they could erase some things they didn’t want erased.

 Question 25: Should “Gray Hat” hacking be illegal?
I don’t think so because your still going into someone else’s system, that’s their personal computer I don’t think that’s right. Even if they aren’t doing any harm.

Question 26:  Was the site really hacked, in your opinion, or is it a publicity stunt by MGM?
I don’t think the website was really hacked. I think it was a publicity stunt.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cyber Crime Blog #1

Ethics are society's rule of behavior , basically the way you should act according to society. For the first case i rated it unethical because the person was using the computer when they weren't supposed to. it was on the company's time and had nothing to do with the work. For the second case i rated it ethical for me personally because i didn't see it as a problem . but i think from a business point of view it's unethical because if you work for a business they expect you to not share with any other places and its technically the company's also. In case # 3 i thought it was criminal because the employee is hacking into the company's confidential salaries, without any permission. In case #4 i thought it was also criminal because the bank worker is taking money out and basically hacking into the account because he has no permission to get the money. for case #5 and 6 i said they were both unethical because the student knew he wasn't supposed to let an unauthorized student use the account and the unauthorized student knew it wasn't his or her account or place to use the password.
 Values are beliefs of a person that they have emotional investment in . My strongest values are family , god , education , being kind to others and always being there for people when they need me and to present myself as best as i can. i never felt tempted to be on a certain side of belief just because others felt a different way then me. i stick to my opinions and beliefs. peer pressure is when you feel like you have to be this certain way or be this way just because others are like that or doing certain things and you feel like you have to be that way just like them to fit in. Morals are basically ideas of what is right and wrong. I don't think ethics and values always match because ethics are more of what society thinks and how you should be. but values are more personal , its what you  think or feel yourself not what society says is right. The consequences of unethical behavior aren't good . you'll sooner or later be punished or get caught. the consequences won't be good.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bicentennial man blog

I think the law of robotics is important. Its important because if you had a robot you wouldn't want it to go against your orders because it could easily go against you or try to harm you.If you have a robot it should protect you so that you aren't in any harm also. I agree that the rules are good , the robot must obey all orders , the robot must protect itself from any harm , and robots must not harm any humans. I don't really think its complete though. I think those three laws are complete.I agree with the statement that Kurzweil said. I think once machines become that advanced to where they are just as smart as humans or even smarter then we will start to know that AI is real. If a machine was so smart to where i felt like i was seeing them as a human just like me then i think i would start to believe in AI.
I think this was a good enough standard because what he was basically saying was that once machines inherit human like qualities in them then that's how we know AI had been achieved and i believe it.
I think AI will happen , after a while i feel like the world will come up with some machine thats so advance that it would be able to communicate with humans and live like us and have our qualities but it would just be artificial. i believe that AI will happen sometime in the future.
when it comes to humans and robots getting married Im kind of in the middle. i agree and disagree that they should be able to get married. I feel like a human couldn't have kinds with that robot there's things they cannot do . i don't think it should be against the law to marry someone. If the robot is capable of having emotions and the robot and human both love each other then they should be able to marry each other because regaurdless they will be together anyway. i don't think it should be against the law. It's kind of weird because it would be different because you don't normally hear of a human marrying a robot. but i don't feel like its wrong , i think people have the right to do whatever because its a free country. I think AI could turn into a bad thing. It could cause people to loose jobs because someone created some technology so the company doesn't need human workers anymore. people could loose money because they don't have those jobs anymore. also if AI was to turn bad robots or machines can take over this earth and basically run the cities/towns country etc. it would be all bad for us because we have no control over anything because machines have become smarter then us humans or just as smart that would be the worst case scenario in my opinion.  however it could be a good thing for us because we could use those machines to do our work for us , they could help us around the house with chores , cleaning etc. everything we need help with at home and outside of home. that would be the best case scenario in my opinion .I liked the Bicentennial man movie it was funny at times and wasn't really boring at all. somethings weren't so realistic like when Andrew and Porsha get together and wanted to get married just because you don't usually see that now a days. It brought up some issues about how nobody would accept a robot and a human being in love, according to society. It got me thinking about what it means to be human and all the qualities we have like sense of humor , emotions , and making mistakes ; not being perfect. and all of the things humans feel and do compared to machines or robots , things that are immortal. i also thought about how Andrew would be only one alive after all his friends died. And i came to realize even thought nobody really wants to die , at some point humans pass away and die. your not alive forever and i realized i would rather pass away someday when i'm very old then be alive forever because at some point in my life i would be done with life and i've done everything i need and pass away because life isn't so "special" if it will never end.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Class blog #2 ; Flatline

1. Summarize the plot of flatline .
The plot of flatline is that two people were trying to steal the AI . artifical intelligence. 

2. What is AI's role?
the role of AI is to work and talk just like a human being. but the thoughts and they way it speaks it fake or artificial and programmed to say certain things and act a certain way.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Class blog 1: AI

1. Moores Law: what do you think about Moores Law ?
I think moores law is right. because every few years technolongy changes. and after a while things will be more advanced . In the future things wont be the same. I believe computers will become alot faster as the years go by. someone will come up with something to make technology advance in some way,

2. Turing test: How does the truing test compare with the bot chat?
The turing test was meant to test AI . artificial intelligence. The bot chat was an AI . on the computer that talked to me just like another human being. but its intelligence wasnt like a human or on the same level. the things the bot said weren't exactly what you would hear humans say.
3. AI applications today: What do you predict with AI applications today?
i predict that AI applications will change over time. I think someone will make one so advance that it could communicate with humans better and do and feel things just like a human being .Years from now i think it will all change.