Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cyber Crime Blog #1

Ethics are society's rule of behavior , basically the way you should act according to society. For the first case i rated it unethical because the person was using the computer when they weren't supposed to. it was on the company's time and had nothing to do with the work. For the second case i rated it ethical for me personally because i didn't see it as a problem . but i think from a business point of view it's unethical because if you work for a business they expect you to not share with any other places and its technically the company's also. In case # 3 i thought it was criminal because the employee is hacking into the company's confidential salaries, without any permission. In case #4 i thought it was also criminal because the bank worker is taking money out and basically hacking into the account because he has no permission to get the money. for case #5 and 6 i said they were both unethical because the student knew he wasn't supposed to let an unauthorized student use the account and the unauthorized student knew it wasn't his or her account or place to use the password.
 Values are beliefs of a person that they have emotional investment in . My strongest values are family , god , education , being kind to others and always being there for people when they need me and to present myself as best as i can. i never felt tempted to be on a certain side of belief just because others felt a different way then me. i stick to my opinions and beliefs. peer pressure is when you feel like you have to be this certain way or be this way just because others are like that or doing certain things and you feel like you have to be that way just like them to fit in. Morals are basically ideas of what is right and wrong. I don't think ethics and values always match because ethics are more of what society thinks and how you should be. but values are more personal , its what you  think or feel yourself not what society says is right. The consequences of unethical behavior aren't good . you'll sooner or later be punished or get caught. the consequences won't be good.

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